Research and Outreach

downloading trail camera data in the field

The Paparoa Wildlife Trust supports and encourages research on species living in the Paparoa Range.

Kiwi monitoring

Researchers, led by Dr Laura Molles from Verum Group, have successfully developed machine learning approaches for individually identifying roroa/great spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastii) by their calls.

Read more on the Verum Group Website (

Kiwi listening device (records their calls)
Kiwi call listening at night
Putting out trail cameras at the creche to monitor kiwi

Open Days and Volunteering

We host an open day every year in February for the community to visit the Atarau Sanctuary kiwi crèche and learn more about our work, roroa, and the local environment.

We also host kiwi aversion training for dogs in Blackball to help locals keep kiwi and their dogs safe.

We’re always happy to have volunteer help and to work with local school groups on meaningful education initiatives.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates and announcements.